Children of the Universe

Children of the Universe

Children of the Universe

2018, Switzerland, 52', Camille Budin


Children of the Universe / Grand et Petit follows the pupils of a primary school who have set off to discover the immensity of the universe in a fun way through role playing, poetic choreographies, walks in pristine mountainous nature, where the trees can become a representation of the stars and the forest, or of a galaxy. And their questions send us back, casually, to our own adult metaphysical anxieties about our place in ͞Life, the Universe and Everything.

World Premiere @ Visions du Réel 2018, Festival dei popoli 2018, Docs Against Gravity 2019, Tirana International Film Festival 2019, Festival International de Films des Femmes 'Regards des Femmes' 2019, Kids Film Festival/Kino dzieci 2020, Silver Aquablier Award - Cinematerre Film Festival 2019, KinderDocs Thessaloniki 2019, KinderDocs Athènes 2018 & 2019.
Children of the Universe Poster